Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Murdering Fascist: Part 4

[After 45 minutes of banter back and forth, San and Darian finally make it to everyone's favorite topic: The 2000 Presidential Election. Darian finds himself in trouble having lost the immigrant argument. He tries to make up some lost ground by stating the election results was a fascist overthrow of a would-be government run by El Presidente Gore. ]

San: The fact that Gore lost his own state of Tennessee was the sole reason that George Bush is President. Having terrible candidates does not equate to fascism. Darian: Losing the popular vote and ending up in office does!

San: If Gore had called for a total recall of all counties in Florida he would have been elected President but he did not. San: It has happened four times in the history of the United States. [Adams 1824, Hayes1876, Harrison 1888, & Bush 2000]

San: The framers established the electoral college that way. The EC trumps the popular vote. That explains why this nation is a Republic and not a Democracy. The people do not select their leaders. Rome was a Republic by the way. S

an: Direction elections to public office get you people like Tom Delay. San: That is why US Senators should no longer be directly elected. We must rescind the 17th Amendment and have states legislatures selected the US Senate representative. Darian: Not trusting your people enough to let them elect their leaders gets you a fascist country. San: No, it is a Republican form of government (In the political theory sense).

San: Most people are stupid, so they cannot be trusted to make the right decisions. That was the reasoning behind the Electoral college and the why Senators were not directly elected prior to the 17th Amendment.

San: The framers believed that if popular opinion took hold of the country we would not progress as a people. Take a look at the House of Representatives. The House has always been directly elected. Any two bit schmuck can make it there.

San: The Senate used to be a great institution with great mean doing good for this country. Now with the direct election of Senators it has become much more like the House. [i.e. Terri Schiavo debacle]

[Bill Frist stops the entire Senate in order to get involved with a family dispute. The whole of the US Senate stopped working and voted for a bill that affected 1 person. A country of 300 million and the Senate focuses on 1 single person, who mind you, tried to kill herself and did not do a good job at it. So now we get people like Bill Frist who bends to every gust of public opinion]

Darian: Popular opinion only lasts about 5 years. That's about how long it takes to realize the effects of political decisions economically.

San: That is bad! You want to 'cool' popular opinion so rash decisions are not made. That is the role of the Senate, or it used to be, but not anymore!

Darian:How do you explain President Bush? Popular opinion would have brought you a President Gore.

San: statistical dead heat, popular opinion 50/50, dumb and dumber, that is how you explain President Bush.

San: If the outcome were different you would not have a problem and call it fair. Any liberal would.

San: This country has been going down a drain for sometime now and it is all due to the winds of popular opinion and the notion that this country is somehow a Democracy.

San: The way issues are marketed to the public and than spun into 'Get Out The Vote' campaigns is sick. I yearn for the 1830's,1840's & 1850's.

1 comment:

Brian said...

If you are interested in more information concerning the 17th Amendment; check out the Weblog “Repeal the 17th Amendment.” Along the right side I have posted a number of scholarly articles that discuss the history and consequences of the amendment.
