Monday, March 12, 2007

Capitalism, The Road to Socialism

Chavez like most politicians has his mouth 2 miles ahead of his reality.

Here's an economics lesson. A little 101 for the leftist leader.

Capitalism is the only road that will not implode. And better yet that road does not lead to hell, - it leads to socialism. It exists to serve others, because only by serving others does it serve itself.

Survival of the Fittest is inherent in nature. As such, its byproduct Greed is unavoidable. Not only is it unavoidable, but contrary to popular belief, greed is good.

True Socialism must rely not upon the belief that all men are created equal, but that all men should be given equal opportunity. True socialism does not seek to serve others, it must seek to serve self interests. And by serving self interests, it will in turn serve others.

Here is a case study -

Man Builds Corporation->Gives New Products to People of Nation->People of Nation give Corporation Money.

Man has Money, Man Needs Safe Place to Enjoy Money->Man Gives Money to People of Nation by means of Education and Community Program Grants->People of Nation give Man Safe Environment and Respect.

Man Needs Smart People to Join Corporation->Man gives Jobs to People of Nation->People of Nation Need Money for Food, Shelter, Better Life->Educated People of Nation give Man Hard Work as Employees in Exchange for Fair Pay.

Educated People of Nation have Money, People of Nation Need Safe Place to Enjoy Money->People of Nation give money to other People of Nation by means of Education and Community Program Grants -> All People of Nation give All People of Nation Safe Environment and Respect.

It all starts with Greed and Self Interest and it all ends with Greed and Self Interest. We do not seek to serve others, but by serving ourselves appropriately we are required to serve others.

Welcome to Evolved Capitalism. Welcome to Socialism.

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