Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Atheism - World View

I believe in ‘god’ and a ‘soul’ but not in the method many do. It’s more obscure and those terms ‘god’ and ‘soul’ are used in a very different way.

I was obsessed with trying to understand religion when I was a teenager. I read the entire bible; I asked every question I could think. When the Sisters and Father could no longer find answers for the questions, they told me I needed ‘faith’. That sounded like a bullshit answer to me, so I decided I’d expand my view. I studied Hinduism in college. It was still just another way for people to unite under a single collective, the theory on stages of life seemed to hold a decent thread of wisdom, much the way Christianity does. However, only the ‘collective’, appears as the common thread across all religions. And the common thread of the ‘collective’, when appropriately controlled presents in true form as power.

That was when it hit… Jesus never wrote a single word. Those who needed a way to take power, namely a King to control his people, wrote the entire bible, picking and choosing passages, editing as he chose. That is what has occurred throughout history, through every religion created. From Egypt to Islam, the weak need someone to look up to, they need the belief that something greater than themselves exists. Only because they lack the courage and strength to stand up and be that ‘God’ themselves. Meanwhile, the strong strive to be ‘God’, looking endlessly for additional power and control, so they create a term, a method, a story to persuade and control the weak.

Science has told us that we are all tiny little bundles of universal matter and energy walking around. These little bundles that we carry around are what we have termed ‘souls’. One day we die, and then all our ‘energy and matter’ is delivered back to the Universe. The Universe is the ‘Collective’; the universe is ‘God’. ‘God’ does not exist he is simply a term for a human ideal to control the Universe, to control destiny, to control everything.

Think about the simple act of eating. By consuming a smaller plant or animal you add to your level of energy. When you’re young, eating delivers growth spurts and additional mass to your control. You eat and your little ball of the universe grows in size.

What then do you do if you are strong? What do you want? Immortality and power… the ‘Universe’ is so large, each individual little ball could never achieve the lasting effect alone. But, if everyone else is a little piece of the Universe, another little bundle of energy and matter, I can attain more power through control. Two is better than one, three better than two, one hundred better than ten, ten thousand better than ten hundred. Then what do you have? An army! Of which you are King, a massive gathering of energy that you can mold and maneuver in order to execute your will and drive against the chaos and chance of the ‘Universe’.

How do you get enough little balls of energy and mass under your control? If you tell them you want to make yourself immortal, if you tell them you want to be ‘All’ powerful, they will hate you and struggle against you. Weave a tale, specifically one of followers achieving immortality. Tell them you can give them what you seek. Provide them a delusion of grandeur, a place where 40 virgins await them upon death, a long rope to a bed of clouds where they never hunger or pain, where they will no longer need struggle but all will be given them and endless euphoria and happiness will be theirs. And to get to ‘heaven’, all you must do is follow and obey. The pen is mightier than the sword, only when used to spin the perfect tale, write the correct verse and you will not need a sword for there will be ten thousand swords held by sturdy men who have vowed follow you to the grave, those men will stand between you and your enemies.

These strong men have created our religions, our countries, our businesses and our wars from the beginning of human history. You recognize them even today as Fathers, Cardinals, Kings, Presidents, Leaders, CEOs and Tyrants. They hold the world’s power and wealth; they can move entire armies with the quietest command.

Still they have not accomplished what they and their forefathers have sought since the dawn of man. One day the leaders will die, their ball of energy delivered back to the chaotic winds of the universe. One day generations later they will be forgotten and their pyramids will crumble. Thus, the search for fathomless universal control and power continues tirelessly toward the goal of omnipresent immortality. In this Quest, Religion remains as the most powerful tool in the arsenal to date.


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