Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hillary vs. Bernie, Trump’s Running Mate and Taxes

Hillary has finally beaten Bernie in the race for delegates and locked up her spot as the Democratic nominee. As such, all the Bernie fans are taking to social media to vent their feelings of disillusionment and loss. I am not one of those people.

Bernie had tons of great amazing progressive ideas that would really move this nation in the right direction. However, there’s no way in hell he could’ve executed any of them once he got into office. Hillary has been the right choice since the beginning. She works hard. She knows how to get things done in Washington. She’ll make a good President. Not a great one, but a solid leader for the next four years and the best choice we have as a Nation. Real question is, will some of Bernie’s great ideas rub off on Hillary and the rest of the Democratic Party?

We should all pray that the Democratic Party is intelligent enough to understand why so many people came together behind Bernie's ideas and can work to make those ideas an integral part of what the Democratic Party strives to accomplish in the years ahead. Investments in higher education, equal social mobility opportunity for all those willing to work for it and the reduction in Washington's reliance on special interest group's money (ahem, bribery). Progress on any of those in the next 4 years would be incredible. Granted, that last one is tricky for both Democrats and Republicans alike.

Still, for those who are so upset about the Potus nominees, have we all forgotten we still have an abysmally dysfunctional Congress that we need to replace and send back to work? Those elections are going to be far more important to our collective future as a nation.

Trump should choose Hillary as his running mate in the election. Proclaim that when he wins, he’s decided to get rid of partisanship and unite the two parties and the country. Now there’s a ticket I could vote for, plus, I still haven’t ruled out the idea that Trump is really just a Democratic plant. He and Bill Clinton just decided it would be a hoot to see him run as a Republican and lay waste to that mess of an organization starting from the rotten core inside and working his way out. I’m not entirely sure he actually planned on winning and maybe doesn’t even want to be the President. Could be a strong argument as to why he seems to be sabotaging his own campaign lately.

Last but not least:
I saw an interesting piece about America being one of only two Nations in the world to tax their expatriate citizens living and working abroad in other countries. It’s the US and tiny east African, Eritrea.

I’m not sure I disagree with the idea of taxing expatriates overall, but certainly I disagree with the extent to which we’re taxing them. Unless they want to give up their US citizenship, these citizens should have to pay a nominal placeholder fee to help maintain the country to which they pledge allegiance and plan to return to one day.

Additionally, the 'welfare, welfare, and other' comment is way off base. Unless by welfare, the author means all the tax cuts we hand out to the billionaires in the form of capital gains. Yes, US spending is out of control and Congress needs to start cutting those programs that aren’t working and retooling those that aren't delivering the ROI that was promised to society when they were rolled out. Why the Republicans always want to focus on some irrelevantly small or worse yet essential piece of the pie when they look to cut taxes these days defies all logic and common sense. If we really want to cut American tax rates, let's reel in the absurd military spending. Honestly, how many golden parachutes do US taxpayers need to keep buying for the c-suite elite at Boeing, Halliburton, etc...?

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